Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sexual Taboo Busting

Sexual Taboo Busting- is the immediate prohibition of a sexual behavior or appeal that is not widely acceptable within certain cultures. Specific behaviors are considered to be provocative and disconcerting within their societies.


    Obtained on behance by Serhiy Fedynyak
This pose shows sexual taboo that is not widely accepted.

This drawing by GloomyDaze, called “The Sex,” found on shows sexual taboo busting. This woman is showing a sexual look. It may not be acceptable in all countries or cultures.

Ham, Chris. "Thought Is Free." Dribbble. N.p., 12 June 2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
An image by an artist that basically has an open ended approach and left purposely for the viewers imagination.

This work was posted on by Venc Design

This work demonstrates a sexual act to attract attention. the work makes most men be attracted to what is being said.
Sexual Taboo Busting- is the immediate prohibition of a sexual behavior or appeal that is not widely acceptable within certain cultures. Specific behaviors are considered to be provocative and disconcerting within their societies.


    Obtained on behance by Serhiy Fedynyak
This pose shows sexual taboo that is not widely accepted.

This drawing by GloomyDaze, called “The Sex,” found on shows sexual taboo busting. This woman is showing a sexual look. It may not be acceptable in all countries or cultures.

Ham, Chris. "Thought Is Free." Dribbble. N.p., 12 June 2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
An image by an artist that basically has an open ended approach and left purposely for the viewers imagination.

This work was posted on by Venc Design

This work demonstrates a sexual act to attract attention. the work makes most men be attracted to what is being said.

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