Thursday, September 19, 2013

GuMMD - Paper Cutouts

This is one of the paper cut-out illustrations that Hemali Vadalia from India made for a children’s story book. Photo taken from
This is the first frame of a paper cutout animation, which could be used on it's own as an advertisement. The advertisement is one for jQuery, a writer's conference in the UK. The primary subject is a scene from alic in wonderland, the madness of which is displayed in a rather playful and childish manner by the paper cutouts. by Sophie Klevenow found on Dribble
Here is a paper cutout from an artist name G.E. Gallas. Found on
This paper cutout design is of Bowser from the videogame ‘Paper Mario’. The relevance of this to the topic to paper cutouts is that the videogame is actually based from paper cutouts, hence the name. This shows that paper cutouts have impacted art in our society by using it as the main theme for a famous videogame series.

1 comment:

  1. It is one of the interesting post that you have shared in this article about the use of paper cutout animation. It was a wonderful information. cutout animation videos
