Thursday, November 21, 2013

High Contrast

Team GuMM'D
High Contrast

 A high contrast, is a High Impact photograph that removes all middle tones, and only leaves the darkest masses and brightest highlights. In photography, it can only be manipulated using either in dark places or methods by hand. Gives the same feeling of watching a silent german expressionism movie, designed to be more dramatic

High Contrast Sky by jcredberry

by jcredberry from

This photo shows the dark figures and bright backgrounds some high contrast photos contain. But not all high contrast photos have to be this way. Mostly just the brighter onjects are enhanced from the contrast while the darker objects white levels are taken away.

by Rupert Vandervell from

This is an example of high contrast. Dark background to high light the man in the picture walking.

Another example of high-contrast, there is no median here. Just the brightest and darkest of colors.


by Stephen Olmstead from

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