Thursday, September 12, 2013


"Naive Mascots" is a successful part of business that relied on new visual icons. This piece, from, is a clear example of a new icon. In order to gain the people's trust, Industries would turn to signs and symbols for the creations of these "Naive Mascots." Kobe Bryant's action of urinating on the Celtic's team logo would represent the signs and symbols. The Laker's fans would probably be the select group that would put the most "trust" into this piece.

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This piece is one that is quite suggestive and persuasive. This naive mascot, Ronald McDonald, is usually found on television promoting the McDonald fast-food company to little children. Ironic that this graphic shows the outcome of him eating the product he is trying to sell, while possibly watching a commercial of his own. The trust portrayed in this piece would be in the favor of people who choose not to eat Mcdonalds.

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FaceBook is an addiction! This is a well known FaceBook meme character that is used to express anger. This naive character may also be used as a template for many other agreeable lines such as this one.

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The Ipod has been around for years. Apple has played a huge role in the media industry and the ipod is one of the company's most successful devices. The ipod has evolved from a device that had no screen at all to one that has a touch-screen. This image sure does tell a lot, but the core meaning behind it can be easily inferred. Till this day, the Apple company still thrives to bring new content to it's customers and hopefully they will continue for years to come.

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- Odiri Igbayo

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